For the sequel to "Ghoulies," the annoying creatures (still after live victims) become part of a horror house show, and have oodles of fun taunting, maiming and killing idiot teens (including Starr Andreef, from “Syngenor” and “General Hospital”), all suffering from 80s Big Hair/Loud Clothes Syndrome – far more so than in the original film.
MGM's transfer is made from a really gorgeous print, showing off the dynamic colours of Sergio Salvati's pretty cinematography. Long associated with Lucio Fulci, Salvati's images are very crisp, and lots of luminescent primary colours for nighttime scenes involving the horror house interior, and whirling carnival rides. The Ultra-Stereo mix is pretty standard, making decent use of the synth score by Fuzzbee Morse.
A full screen trailer featuring dreadful narration makes it clear the film was aimed at a much younger crown.
In 1991, special effects whiz John (Carl) Buechler directed “Ghoulies 3: Ghoulies Go To College;” and in 1994 Jim Wynorski helmed “Ghoulies 4,” with Peter Liapis returning to the final franchise installment.
© 2003 Mark R. Hasan